Looking for some fun Sunday school worship activities, crafts, praise songs, as well as, Christian music for children?
These cool Sunday school praise songs, and music videos, to use for your children’s ministry or at home!
In addition, the Christian worship songs can be used Bible school, Sunday school, as well as, a birthday party at home.
The free Praise Party Children’s Ministry Worship Video by Yancy and can be found on YouTube to play during almost any church event for kids!
Praise Worship Stage and Instruments Props
Decorate any Church, Sunday School room, and venue with these Christian music worship band cardboard props which include: keyboard, drums, guitars and amps, as well as, a cool backdrop scene setter.
Worship Activities Bible Song Resources
Boy Praying During Worship Band
Photo by Jake Guild Simple Skye.
12 Christian Album CD’s Kids Set
This CD contains 6 Christian songs for kids and is for elementary-age children.
Kids Shout Bible Praises Songs DVD
This worship album on DVD, is made just for kids! Use the DVD for Children’s Ministry or Sunday school time together to sing praises and dance to the Lord! The music is high-energy praise songs making it ideal for use at church and home.
The Bible song DVD includes a variety of popular Christian praise songs for children like:
This Is the Day, Put Your Hands Up, You Are Good, The Anthem, Healer, Let Praise Awaken, Limitless, Great Is Your Love, Get Up, and more!
Music Ministry Curriculum Set by Hillsong Kids
Jesus Bids Us Shine Bible Song Posters
These worship crafts are a great project for Sunday school and kids. In addition, use them to praise worship during any Children’s Ministry song time.
Lord is My Shepherd Song Posters
These Bible stone visuals open up like a window to read the song and can be used on a bulletin board, as well as, displayed on a wall.
Sunday School Praise Worship Ideas
King David Humility and Worship Bible Activity
The 7 Bible activities for kids include the following:
Coloring page, Young David’s Staff and Sheep play mat, Heart Hunt Game, Restore David’s Harp activity, he Chosen Heart Guessing Game, What’s In Your Heart activity, as well as, a Memory Verse tracing activity.
Sunday School Worship Themed Giveaways and Toys
David Plays the Harp for King Saul Craft Printable
When David was young he played his harp for King Saul and it helped calm Him.
Have children recreate the Bible story with this printable Christian craft for kids.