Jesus Christ Easter Beard wig set

Religious Easter Costumes for Kids

Chances are, Sunday school, and church children, will be participating in the church Easter program and you can find a large assortment of religious Easter costumes for kids below.

In addition, Christmas program costumes can be used for the angels, shepherds, and also the disciple costumes.

Also, a Biblical Mary costume can be used for an Easter and also a Christmas nativity program.

In addition, an Easter Joseph costume can also be used for a disciple costume and the Palm Sunday townspeople.

Also, find a wide section of Biblical, nativity costumes for children.

Find a large selection of Christian Easter costumes for children. Also, find a Easter Roman Soldier costume for the program on this page.

Jesus Wig with Beard

Biblical Easter Story Cast of Characters

  • Jesus Christ
  • 12 Disciples
  • Barabbas
  • High Priest, Religious Elders – Sanhedrin
  • Jerusalem Townspeople and Mob
  • King Herod
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Mary, Mother of Jesus
  • Pontius Pilate
  • Roman Soldiers
  • Simon from Cyrene

Depending on the size of the church program, this list will help to decide on the number of Biblical costumes needed.


Church Easter program 2 Crosses on Hill backdrop scene setter
Three Crosses Resurrection Backdrop

This Resurrection backdrop display is perfect for any religious Easter celebration! Use for the the Church program, Easter service, as well as, the Sunday brunch.

Biblical Easter Tomb and Props

Church Easter program Jewish City backdrop scene setter
Design-A-Room Jewish Town Backdrop

This plastic town background measures 30 feet by 4 feet and can be displayed with wall adhesive tape.

Religious Easter Costumes for Kids

Christian headpiece and Easter costume kids
Black Religious Headpiece Accessory for Kids

Christian Virgin Mary costumes for girls

Biblical Mary Costume for Girls

The Virgin Mary costume for children has a long white dress, cape, and a headpiece.

Mary, Mother of Jesus, is a very important Bible character for the Easter play, as well as, the Christmas Pageant.

Christian Shepherd Costumes for Kids


Shepherd Costumes for Children

Biblical Shepherd Costume for Toddlers

Use this child’s shepherd costume for an Easter church program and also a Nativity play.


Kids-Christian-shepherd-costumes-plush Lamb sheep
Little Shepherd Costume and Plush Lamb

More Biblical Easter Costumes for Kids

Christian Easter Costumes robes headpieces kids
Biblical Robe Costume for Kids

Biblical Purple Easter robe costume kids
Purple Easter Robe Costume


Son of God Resurrection of Christ Trailer