When you discover the Passover celebration with your Sunday school children, study the Old Testament story and Moses and Exodus and make a connection with these Passover ideas for kids.
Remind children about the Old Testament Bible stories about Moses the 10 plagues set down from God, to the land of Egypt where His people were slaves.
Children might not be comfortable the last horrible plague where the first-born son in Egypt will be killed when the “angel of death” passes by.
But, remind children that God had a plan, and told Moses to have the Hebrew people put the blood of a lamb over their door and the angel of death would “pass over” their home.
Printable Passover Decorations and Activity Bundle
This bundle includes a variety of activities, games, as well as, decorative figures that will add a festive touch to the Jewish celebration, as well as, engage children learn about the Passover story.
The bundle includes: printable games such as coloring pages, puzzles, and riddles, as well as, decorative figures which represent important Passover symbols.
Jewish Passover Seder and Meal Ideas for Kids
Children will enjoy learning about the bread used in the Passover meal, without leaven to make the bread rise. The Hebrews where a hurry to leave Egypt and their 400 years of slavery, after the 10 plague sent down by God, and they had to hurry and leave before the Pharaoh changed his mind.
So the Hebrews grabbed their bread, that didn’t have to rise, and take their few belongings and flee with Moses! Additional Jewish holiday traditions can be found on the Hanukkah for kids page.
Passover Activities and Crafts For Kids
Digital Pesach and Passover Activity Book for Kids
Old Testament Moses Passover and Bible Activity Bundle
This activity set contains items that make learning for kids like: Moses, Passover, Jesus is Alive sticker scenes, as well as, The Ten Plagues activity pages.
Printable Passover Activities for Kids
Passover Printable Activity Book Kids
This activity book has 20 pages with the following activities and games:
10 plagues learning page and practice worksheet
10 Plagues coloring practice worksheet
Dice game to learn about the Passover Seder plate
Coloring pages
Crack the Code
I spy Game
Matching Activity
Matching Activity
Parents Answer Key
Word Search
12 Jewish Passover Games and Activities Printable
This printable game and activity set is suitable for both adults and children. The activity and games set includes 12 Passover games like: A-Z race, Categories, Find the Afikomen, Find the Friend, Moses or Pharaoh, Roll and Color, Seder Scramble, Traditions Around the World and so much more!
Moses and the 10 Plagues of Egypt for Kids
Printable Moses and The 10 Plagues of Egypt Activity Set
This Old Testament activity set is also suitable for the season of Passover. Children will learn about how Moses lead the Jewish people out of Egypt and the 10 Plagues of Egypt and includes crafts and learning game like: Story wheel spinner craft, coloring page, and the I Spy game.
DIY 10 Plagues of Egypt Activity Wheel
10 Plagues Finger Puppet Patterns
Easy-to-make 10 Passover plaques finger puppet patterns.
Printable Moses & 10 Plagues Egypt Activities
Moses and the Pharaoh Graphic
I found a wonderful resource with free graphics by Sweet Media you can use for the story of Moses and the Exodus and this picture of Moses and the Pharaoh is one you may remember.
Exodus Bible Story Resources
10 Plagues of Egypt for Kids – Exodus 7-11 Bible Story by Share faith kids
Book of Exodus Passover illustration
This Bible illustration of the blood placed over the Hebrew’s houses so the angel of death would pass over the Jewish people in Egypt.