Aside from the Bible story crafts about Christmas and Easter, finding a New Testament crafts for Sunday school is a bit harder.
Consider using one of these Sunday school activities and generic Christian crafts, while you study these books of the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Acts and Romans.
Christian crafts are great for any Bible lesson about God, faith, Jesus Christ, and also how valuable prayer is.
The featured crafts focuses on 24 New Testament Bible stories. The crafts include: Baptism of Jesus, Fishers of Men, Miracles of Jesus, Lazarus, Zacchaeus, and so much more!
24 New Testament Bible Story Craft Pages
New Testament Crafts
Jesus and Samaritan Woman At the Well Craft
This 3D paper craft for kids tells the story of Jesus with the woman at the well. The craft also has a Bible verse from John 4:1-42.
5 Bible Story Crafts
Set of five New Testament crafts gives children a visual idea of the missionary journey of the Disciple Paul after God called him on.
Resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus Crafts
Inspiring craft which depicts the grave where Lazarus was raised by Jesus Christ. Craft printed with the Bible verses:
“Lazarus, come out!” Jesus said,
“I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live,
even though they die; and whoever lives
by believes in me will never, die.”
John 11:1-44.
Bible Stories Life of Paul Craft Ideas
Escape of Paul Disciple in a Basket Crafts
Paul Trusts God Shipwreck Craft
Just like the Apostle Paul survived a ship wreck, this New Testament Bible lesson craft serves as a reminder that with God’s help, anyone can weather a storm in life!
In addition, each sticker scene craft is printed with a portion of the Bible verse which is very simple to understand and reads: Do not be afraid Paul. Acts 27:24.
Paul and Silas in Jail Bible Story Craft
This New Testament Printable craft is so easy for kids and requires scissors, a hole punch, and pipe cleaners!
Paul and Silas in Prison Crafts
This easy-to-make Bible crafts depicts Paul and Silas in prison, as well as, a section of the Acts Scripture quotes 16:25-26 which says:
Paul and Silas were praying
and singing hymns to God.
At once all the prison doors
flew open, and everyone’s
chains came loose.
The Disciples New Testament Crafts
Jesus Calms Stormy Sea with Disciples Craft
Paper plate craft depicts Jesus and 4 of His Disciples on a boat during a huge storm. Jesus calms the stormy weather and the Disciples are amazed!
The craft includes the following Scripture:
After a long day of preaching to many people,
Jesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee.
While Jesus was sleeping, a storm began causing
large waves to sweep over the boat.
The disciples were scared and woke Jesus up crying,
“Lord save us! We’re going to drown!”
Jesus amazed the disciples and clamed the wind and waves.
Matthew 8:23-27.
Bible Story Boat Sticker Scene Crafts for Kids
This sticker boat scene craft depicts Paul in a fishing ail boat with a cross on the sail! Easy New Testament boat sticker scene craft comes with 25 backgrounds and also 25 sheets of stickers.
Miracles and Life of Christ Activities
Jesus in Boat on Story Sea Paper Craft Pattern
DIY Jesus walks on water Craft
Jesus Walks on Water Crafts for Kids
Foam Jesus walking on the water is a fun Sunday school craft! Kids can place the self-adhesive foam Jesus figure on a wooden stick. Place Jesus through the slit in the foam background to move him around the water and make him walk.
Biblical New Testament craft also has a the disciples in a boat on the sea and a cloud which reads: It is I. Don’t be afraid. Matthew 14:27.
More Jesus Bible Story Crafts
Jesus Heals a Blind Man Bible Craft and Lesson
This New Testament Bible parable lesson and craft set is designed for preschool and early learners.
The activity set includes a teaching guide, puppet craft, worksheet with a coloring page.
Jesus in Clouds Coloring Picture
In addition find Fisher of Men activities and crafts on this page!
Also, find a variety of life of Jesus resources for children on the Bible Study Tools for Kids page!