Printable Lent Catholic Holy Week Bingo Game cards

Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids

The Lent season differs around the world and Christian denominations and the following Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids will help in lesson planning.

Generally, Lent is preparing your heart for the Easter by fasting and prayer and lasts for 40 days. In most Christian denominations, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday until Holy Week.

The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday and that week is Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and some celebrate Holy Saturday, followed by Easter Sunday. Each calendar year will be different.

Lent Bingo Ash Wednesday Holy Week Printable Game

This bingo game includes 30  game boards and  calling cards. The game images include: Almsgiving, ashes, Calvary, crown of thorns, desert, donkey, empty tomb, fasting, Last Supper, nails, palm branch, prayer, purple, silver coins, Stations of the Cross, as well as, washing feet.

Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids

40 Days of Lent Calendar Activities Bundle Printable

This Lent Bible activity set includes the following printable items:

  • Ash Wednesday Bible wheel craft
  • Activity calendar
  • Bible lesson
  • Countdown calendar
  • Coloring activity mat
  • Prayer calendar

Printable Lenten Activity journal kids

Printable Lent Journal and Activities Kids

This printable journal activity set includes nine pages for children to reflect on the week of Lent.

The pages include:  Cover page, a page to record Lenten promises, 5 weeks of Lent Sunday reflection pages, Palm Sunday reflection page, as well as, an Easter Sunday coloring page.


Digital 40 Days of Lent Family Coloring and Activities calendar

40 Days of Lent Activity Bundle for Families Printable
Journey through the 40 days of Lent with this activity set. The days are from Ash Wednesday and Holy Week to Easter Sunday!

This digital bundle includes 7 crafts and coloring activities for the whole family!

The pages include: 40 days of Lent countdown calendars, decorative banner, mini coloring book, coloring bookmark, cube, and worksheet.

Download Lent activities kids

Printable Activity Set Kids

Teach children to walk with Jesus this Lent season and complete this set of 5 activities like: a calendar, journal, and coloring pages.

Lent paper chain crafts download

Scripture Paper Chain Lent Activity

Lent Sunday School Decorations and Activities

In addition, find more crafts on the Holy Week Days for kids page!

Easter and Lent Ideas for Kids

Digital Kids Lent Games worksheets activities 30 pages
Lent Games and Activities Kids Printable

Keep busy during the whole season of Lent with these printable
games and activity pages.

A sample of the activities include the following:

Seasons of Lent crossword puzzle, word search, and quizzes. 3 The Passion of Christ pages, 3 Stations of the Cross pages, 3 The Last Supper pages, and so much more!

Lent Holy Week crafts prizes

Lent and Holy Week Ideas for Kids

This Sunday school activity set is for 48 children and includes the following: bags, coloring pages, Lent Lamb countdown craft, Cross coloring craft, as well as, the Journal book crafts.


DIY Season of Lent activity set

Printable Lent Symbols and Activities

Another great resource for the Holiday season can be on the Christian Easter Party Ideas page!