Sunday school teachers can help children in their classroom create Christian Father’s Day crafts and give to dear dad as a gift.
One fun religious Father’s Day craft idea is making dad his own prayer journal!
Each Sunday school teacher can personalize any of these Father’s Day crafts by adding a Bible verse, Scripture quote, prayer and blessing.
Christian Fathers day Bible Lesson Craft Printable
This printable Bible lesson and craft set will help celebrate Dad.
The 8 Dad-themed posters and Bible craft will teach children about the special role of fathers found in the Bible.
From Adam to Joseph, each father poster is presented in a easy-to-understand way, as well as, an relevant Bible verse.
The Bible craft is a toolbox template and a variety of tools. Each tool has a virtue printed on top, along with a description of a Christian father.
Christian Father’s Day Crafts
Printable Christian Fathers Day Activity Pages
Activities include 6 printable cards, mini book craft, crossword puzzle, drawing activity, secret code, verse page, and word search.
Receive CSB, ESV, KJV, NASB, NIV, and NKJV Bible versions for each activity and choose which Bible version works best for the children.
Handprint Art Crafts for Dad
This digital set of 6 handprint craft templates will be a great gift idea for every father, dad, stepdad, and more!
DIY 3D Abraham and Sarah Paper Craft
This paper craft visualizes the Old Testament Abraham and Sarah Bible story. The story is found in Genesis 18:1-15 and the promise made by God and reads:
God has brought me laughter. All who hear
about this will laugh with me.
Who would have said to Abraham
that Sarah would nurse a Baby?
Yet I have give Abraham a
son in his old Age.
Genesis 21:1-7
Superhero Dad Bible Craft Printable
12 Proverbs Fathers Day Crafts
Dad will love this hanging craft! The craft depicts a father and child talking a walk during a starry night and also the Bible verse:
The righteous man walks
in his integrity.
His children are
blessed after him.Proverbs 20:7
Find even more Sunday School Crafts for any holiday on this page!
Christian Father’s Day Ideas
Father and Children Hiking
Photo by Laubenstein Ronald, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Printable Fathers Day Bible Lesson Plan
The study guide is for a 5-day Bible lesson about the Prodigal Son. The lesson is perfect for a religious Father’s Day activity for Sunday School and Bible School.
Also, find so more Bible Study Tools for Kids on this page!
Printable Fathers Day Questionnaire Template
4 Religious Fathers Day Crafts Printable
12 Fathers Day Coloring Cards Printable
This set of 12 printable coloring greeting cards can be used for almost any holiday like: birthdays and Father’s Day.
Download Bible Verse Fathers Day Card
Printable religious card for Dad and includes 3 versions. The card is printed with the following Bible Verse:
The Lord your God carried you,
as a father carries his son.
Deuteronomy 1:31
Fathers of the Bible Trivia Printable
This digital Christian Bible Dad’s trivia game is suitable for a Sunday school activity.
In addition, find Christian Mothers Day Crafts on this page!