Category Archives: Vacation Bible School

Jesus Calls Disciples Fisher of Men Craft

Fisher of Men

Jesus was the ultimate Fisher of Men. The first 4 disciples Jesus called by the Sea of Galilee. They were fishing and mending their nets.

The first 2 disciples Jesus called were Simon (Peter) and Andrew. Jesus told Peter, He would make him a Fisher of Men.

Since Peter was a fisherman, Jesus knew that Peter would understand the phrase fisher of men.

He also knew that Peter would still be confused. What Jesus meant was to reel in people to His ministry and bring them to God.

Fishing next to Peter and Andrew, where 2 other brothers, John and James. John and James were in a boat mending the fishing net with their father, Zebedee.

Jesus called out to them and they left the fishing boat to follow Him.

Read the Bible story in Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:16,. However, find a more detailed Bible Story version in Luke 5:1-11.

Fisher of Men Crafts for Kids

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Church Bible school Jesus Christ display

Sunday School Room Decorations

Looking for easy Sunday school room decorations which you and your church can use over and over again?

Depending on the size of the Sunday school room, find a fun a variety of decorations, props, as well as, bulletin board supplies below!

Also, featured Christian props, and also scene setters, can be used for Sunday school year, as well, during Vacation Bible School.

Featured picture is an amazing Noah’s Ark room decorating idea. By using a Noah’s ark prop, blue colored fabric, blue floor covering, and a hanging rainbow with a variety of clouds. This Noah’s Ark scene setter will certainly attract the attention of children!

Sunday School Jesus Cardboard Prop

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Bible Camp Themes

Looking for Bible Camp themes for Vacation Bible school, or Summer Bible school? The Bible lesson curriculum kits on this page are versatile.

They can be used for Bible Camp, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Bible study retreats for church kids of all ages.

Some of the material is Vacation Bible school material, some are home school Biblical curriculum, and Sunday school lessons for the Summer season.

VBS Camp Scene Setter

If your church is on a budget, consider using some of your past Vacation Bible school curriculum over again for Bible Camp.

Revisit the past Vacation Bible School material again and add new activities and crafts.

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VBS Church Carnival decorating supplies

Vacation Bible School Ideas

Get inspired for a Summer church outreach event with these Vacation Bible school ideas.

No matter if the church is hosting an entire week of Vacation Bible school, or a weekend church camp, these VBS decorations will have a church room look like another world!

There are so many Vacation Bible school themes for 2023 and 2024.

A lot will depend on the church budget, you can do a whole week of Vacation Bible school during the day, evening, and also a weekend event.

In addition, almost all these church Children’s Ministry are suitable for any weekend class, Summer Bible School, as well as, a Bible camp trip.

Church Carnival Decorating Kit

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