Jesus was the ultimate Fisher of Men. The first 4 disciples Jesus called by the Sea of Galilee. They were fishing and mending their nets.
The first 2 disciples Jesus called were Simon (Peter) and Andrew. Jesus told Peter, He would make him a Fisher of Men.
Since Peter was a fisherman, Jesus knew that Peter would understand the phrase fisher of men.
He also knew that Peter would still be confused. What Jesus meant was to reel in people to His ministry and bring them to God.
Fishing next to Peter and Andrew, where 2 other brothers, John and James. John and James were in a boat mending the fishing net with their father, Zebedee.
Jesus called out to them and they left the fishing boat to follow Him.
Read the Bible story in Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:16,. However, find a more detailed Bible Story version in Luke 5:1-11.