Category Archives: Sunday School Supplies

Bible Camp Themes

Looking for Bible Camp themes for Vacation Bible school, or Summer Bible school? The Bible lesson curriculum kits on this page are versatile and can be used for Bible Camp, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Bible study retreats for church kids of all ages.

Some of the material is Vacation Bible school material, some are home school Biblical curriculum, and Sunday school lessons for the Summer season.

VBS Camp Scene Setter

If your church is on a budget, consider using some of your past Vacation Bible school curriculum over again for Bible Camp.

Most churches keep their VBS material and never use it again, so put it to good use and revisit your past Vacation Bible School material again, by simply adding some new activities or crafts.

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Sunday School Cross giveaways kids

Sunday School Awards

Christian prizes for Sunday school awards are a fun way to reward and motivate children. If you are looking for Sunday school award and reward ideas, this page will give you so many ideas.

Christian rewards are great for Sunday school children. Children will enjoy an award when they achieve memorizing a Bible verses.

Some of my favorite religious prizes are Christian school supplies like: crayons, erasers, stickers, stationery items, pens, and pencils.

Since children love toys and you prefer a prize that is not a toy, consider giving a Christian activity book, baseball cap, drawstring bag, game, as well as, a novelty jewelry cross necklace.

Depending on the church budget, teachers can gift children stickers, novelty toys, as well as, additional small gifts for children,

Also, Sunday school awards and prizes can be used as birthday gifts.

Girls Receive Cross Necklace During VBS

Photo by CBC Photos.

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Printable Lent Catholic Holy Week Bingo Game cards

Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids

The Lent season differs around the world and Christian denominations and the following Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids will help in lesson planning.

Generally, Lent is preparing your heart for the Easter by fasting and prayer and lasts for 40 days. In most Christian denominations, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday until Holy Week.

The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday and that week is Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and some celebrate Holy Saturday, followed by Easter Sunday. Each calendar year will be different.

Lent Bingo Ash Wednesday Holy Week Printable Game

This bingo game includes 30  game boards and  calling cards. The game images include: Almsgiving, ashes, Calvary, crown of thorns, desert, donkey, empty tomb, fasting, Last Supper, nails, palm branch, prayer, purple, silver coins, Stations of the Cross, as well as, washing feet.

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Christmas Sunday School Ideas

Planning a Christmas Sunday school party, or December Christmas Bible lesson time for children?

The Sunday school children will be so much fun when they do some of these activities, crafts, and games.

These themed Christmas Sunday school ideas are also great for a church party.

Sunday school teachers will appreciate having these Christian Christmas  crafts and party ideas.

Each Christmas item can used for the entire month of December and unused crafts can be stored away for the following year.

Also, one Christmas Sunday school idea below and called: Journey to Bethlehem.

Sunday School Christmas Games Activities Toys

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