Category Archives: Sunday School Rewards

Vacation Bible School

It’s that time again to start thinking about Vacation Bible School! If you are the Director for your Children’s Ministry, you will be looking for the new Bible curriculum for VBS ideas for 2024.

You may have already been to a meeting or received information regarding the VBS themes for this year, but older curriculum can also be used.

I am so  excited to showcase this year’s new Vacation Bible School themes.

VBS is the most awesome adventure children can have in the Summer and learn all about God, Jesus Christ, as well as, the Bible!

In addition, Summer Bible camp is an easy way for children to meet new friends! Also, everyone will have fun learning about God! So, just how much more fun can you have while attending VBS!

Popular Vacation Bible School themes for 2024

    • Blaze a Trail
    • Breaker Rock Beach
    • Camp Firelight
    • Celebrate the Savior
    • From Vision to Reality
    • Great Jungle Journey
    • Mega Sports Camp
    • Seekers in Sneakers
    • Start the Party
    • Shine
    • WildLIVE

As always, the Children’s Ministry department will need extra help to make the VBS a wonderful event for the whole church.

Vacation Bible School Decorations

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Printable Lent Catholic Holy Week Bingo Game cards

Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids

The Lent season differs around the world and Christian denominations and the following Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids will help in lesson planning.

Generally, Lent is preparing your heart for the Easter by fasting and prayer and lasts for 40 days. In most Christian denominations, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday until Holy Week.

The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday and that week is Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and some celebrate Holy Saturday, followed by Easter Sunday. Each calendar year will be different.

Lent Bingo Ash Wednesday Holy Week Printable Game

This bingo game includes 30  game boards and  calling cards. The game images include: Almsgiving, ashes, Calvary, crown of thorns, desert, donkey, empty tomb, fasting, Last Supper, nails, palm branch, prayer, purple, silver coins, Stations of the Cross, as well as, washing feet.

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Fruit of the Holy Spirit Ideas

The fruit of the Holy Spirit ideas can be used for a mid-week Bible school class time, VBS, and New Testament learning time.

Below are several Sunday school fun ideas for teaching children about the fruits of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians.

Fruit of Holy Spirit Bulletin Board Decorating ideas:
Spirit-themed bulletin board supplies have a large tree graphic, as well as, fruit, and also letter graphics.

In addition, the Sunday School teacher can use real fruit and engage the children in the topic of the 8 traits of the  Spirit found in the book of Galatians  which include the following:

But the fruit
of the Spirit is
love, joy,
gentleness and

Galatians 5:22-23

Fruit of the Spirit Learning Bundle Kids Printable

All activities are digital files and include the following items: 9-Part Bible lesson plan, Bookmarks, Tree and Fruit activity, as well as, religious games.

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Christian Church giveaways

Sunday School Rewards

These Sunday school rewards for children will be a great small incentive prize for kids.

Since these church Christian rewards and prizes come in prices, they will fit almost any church budget.

The featured photo showcases a fun Christian church prizes bundle with a total of 100 pieces.

The Christian rewards bundle  which will encourage Sunday school student to earn one of the prizes.

Church and Sunday School Prizes Giveaways

This Christian toy bundle contains a variety of great prizes which children will love! In addition, Christian prizes can be used for a Vacation Bible school event.

Use these religious toys and prizes as Sunday school rewards, as well as,  small birthday gifts for kids.

In addition, find a variety of fun and religious novelty items for Sunday school prizes below like: dog tag necklaces, key chains, toys, and so much more!

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