Category Archives: Sunday School Fun

Church Fall Festival Ideas

Gather families, friends, and neighbors to a faith-filled  event with these Church Fall Festival ideas! No matter if the festival is held in a church parking lot or a larger farm area, everyone will be blessed by attending the event.

Also, by hosting a Harvest Festival the church can personally meet all the neighbors who attend, as well as, invite them to attend worship services.

Many Fall Festival events will have several activities for all ages and the following ideas can be used for almost any church festival like:

Corn Maze
Face Painting
Food and Drinks
Live Music
Pumpkin Decorating
Pumpkin Patch
Hay Ride
Tractor Ride
Open Barnyard

Religious Harvest Festival Truck Decorations

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Christian School Supplies

Christian school supplies will help children who attend a secular school keep focused on God, as well as serve, inspiration in the classroom.

School is all about learning and children-of-faith know that God created the universe, has infinite knowledge, and is so wise.

Religious school supplies showcased  are for children of all ages, from kindergarten to middle school.

In addition, most of the school supplies featured below will work best for elementary school children.

In addition, children will remember about their faith in school if they use some of these Christian school supplies like: backpacks, bags, composition notebooks, notepads, pencils, pens, and so much more!

Printable Preschool Bible Alphabet ABC Tracing Worksheets

This Christian worksheet bundle is great for preschool-aged children to learn about the alphabet, hand writing, as well as, beginner’s words and names.

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Jesus Calls Disciples Fisher of Men Craft

Fisher of Men

Jesus was the ultimate Fisher of Men. The first 4 disciples Jesus called by the Sea of Galilee. They were fishing and mending their nets.

The first 2 disciples Jesus called were Simon (Peter) and Andrew. Jesus told Peter, He would make him a Fisher of Men.

Since Peter was a fisherman, Jesus knew that Peter would understand the phrase fisher of men.

He also knew that Peter would still be confused. What Jesus meant was to reel in people to His ministry and bring them to God.

Fishing next to Peter and Andrew, where 2 other brothers, John and James. John and James were in a boat mending the fishing net with their father, Zebedee.

Jesus called out to them and they left the fishing boat to follow Him.

Read the Bible story in Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:16,. However, find a more detailed Bible Story version in Luke 5:1-11.

Fisher of Men Crafts for Kids

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Sunday School Cross giveaways kids

Sunday School Awards

Christian prizes for Sunday school awards are a fun way to reward and motivate children. If you are looking for Sunday school award and reward ideas, this page will give you so many ideas.

Christian rewards are great for Sunday school children. Children will enjoy an award when they achieve memorizing a Bible verses.

Some of my favorite religious prizes are Christian school supplies like: crayons, erasers, stickers, stationery items, pens, and pencils.

Since children love toys and you prefer a prize that is not a toy, consider giving a Christian activity book, baseball cap, drawstring bag, game, as well as, a novelty jewelry cross necklace.

Depending on the church budget, teachers can gift children stickers, novelty toys, as well as, additional small gifts for children,

Also, Sunday school awards and prizes can be used as birthday gifts.

Girls Receive Cross Necklace During VBS

Photo by CBC Photos.

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