Category Archives: Sunday School Crafts


Religious Winter Ideas

Chase away the Winter blues after the Christmas holiday and introduce children to these Religious Winter ideas.

The Winter season can range from December all the way through February so keep children focused on the warm love of The Lord and use these cool Christian Winter and Snowman ideas.

Religious Winter ideas also can be used for a late Christmas party, as well as, a Winter-themed birthday party for children.

Winter Bible study activity set includes: 5 coloring pages, word search game, writing activity, match the Snowflake games, as well as, a variety of art prints with Scripture.

Christian Winter Bible Unity Lesson Activity Set DIY

This printable Bible lesson set for Winter Season contains 17 pages of fun activities for children’s Sunday school time.

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Christian Thanksgiving Crafts

Christian Thanksgiving crafts for kids will help inspire children to give “thanks” to God for all His blessings. Thanksgiving is a great Holiday to have Sunday school children memorize a Bible verse and a craft is a great tool to use.

Christian children know all about Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, cranberries, green bean casserole, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and all the other good things to eat, but a craft will also remind them God provides all the food.

Thanksgiving dinner is when families bow their heads in prayer and thank God for the good food they are about to eat. Many families go around the Thanksgiving table and ask each person to name something which they are thankful for.

Thanksgiving Build a Cornucopia Bible Lesson Craft

This Cornucopia Thanksgiving Bible craft and lesson activity can be used for Sunday School, homeschool, as well as, a Harvest family activity.

The lesson and craft is inspired from the Bible lesson found in Psalm 107:1.

Children can make this printable cornucopia craft and fill it with foods from the Harvest season, as well as, additional things that they are thankful for like: family and friends.
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Jesus Calls Disciples Fisher of Men Craft

Fisher of Men

Jesus was the ultimate Fisher of Men. The first 4 disciples Jesus called by the Sea of Galilee. They were fishing and mending their nets.

The first 2 disciples Jesus called were Simon (Peter) and Andrew. Jesus told Peter, He would make him a Fisher of Men.

Since Peter was a fisherman, Jesus knew that Peter would understand the phrase fisher of men.

He also knew that Peter would still be confused. What Jesus meant was to reel in people to His ministry and bring them to God.

Fishing next to Peter and Andrew, where 2 other brothers, John and James. John and James were in a boat mending the fishing net with their father, Zebedee.

Jesus called out to them and they left the fishing boat to follow Him.

Read the Bible story in Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:16,. However, find a more detailed Bible Story version in Luke 5:1-11.

Fisher of Men Crafts for Kids

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Bible Camp Themes

Looking for Bible Camp themes for Vacation Bible school, or Summer Bible school? The Bible lesson curriculum kits on this page are versatile.

They can be used for Bible Camp, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Bible study retreats for church kids of all ages.

Some of the material is Vacation Bible school material, some are home school Biblical curriculum, and Sunday school lessons for the Summer season.

VBS Camp Scene Setter

If your church is on a budget, consider using some of your past Vacation Bible school curriculum over again for Bible Camp.

Revisit the past Vacation Bible School material again and add new activities and crafts.

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