Category Archives: Holiday Crafts

Church Fall Festival Ideas

Gather families, friends, and neighbors to a faith-filled  event with these Church Fall Festival ideas! No matter if the festival is held in a church parking lot or a larger farm area, everyone will be blessed by attending the event.

Also, by hosting a Harvest Festival the church can personally meet all the neighbors who attend, as well as, invite them to attend worship services.

Many Fall Festival events will have several activities for all ages and the following ideas can be used for almost any church festival like:

Corn Maze
Face Painting
Food and Drinks
Live Music
Pumpkin Decorating
Pumpkin Patch
Hay Ride
Tractor Ride
Open Barnyard

Religious Harvest Festival Truck Decorations

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Christmas Angel Crafts

Children in Sunday school love to hear about angels in the Christmas Bible story and also will enjoy making Christmas Angel crafts during Sunday school or at home.

Christmas Angel crafts  will help bring joy to the holiday season and bring a smile to the face of everyone.

Each child in the Sunday school class, or home, can make  an angel ornament or other craft to share in the joy of the holiday season.

Also, Christmas angel crafts can be used as decorations to display on a bulletin board, door, wall, or other spaces like a fireplace mantel, as well as, the Christmas tree.

Christmas Angel Puppet Cut and Paste Craft

This religious holiday craft activity has children trace their hands as a pattern for the angel wings. In addition, children can color the angel pattern and simply attach a brown paper bag to make a one-of-kind Christmas puppet.

This l puppet craft is great as a  Christmas craft for the month of December. The pages include: angel pieces, finished puppet image, as well as, instructions.

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Christian Thanksgiving Crafts

Christian Thanksgiving crafts for kids will help inspire children to give “thanks” to God for all His blessings. Thanksgiving is a great Holiday to have Sunday school children memorize a Bible verse and a craft is a great tool to use.

Christian children know all about Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, cranberries, green bean casserole, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and all the other good things to eat, but a craft will also remind them God provides all the food.

Thanksgiving dinner is when families bow their heads in prayer and thank God for the good food they are about to eat. Many families go around the Thanksgiving table and ask each person to name something which they are thankful for.

Thanksgiving Build a Cornucopia Bible Lesson Craft

This Cornucopia Thanksgiving Bible craft and lesson activity can be used for Sunday School, homeschool, as well as, a Harvest family activity.

The lesson and craft is inspired from the Bible lesson found in Psalm 107:1.

Children can make this printable cornucopia craft and fill it with foods from the Harvest season, as well as, additional things that they are thankful for like: family and friends.
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Printable July 4th Jesus Christ Freedom Bible Lesson and craft

Christian Patriotic Crafts

Show love of God and Country with the following Christian Patriotic crafts which are suitable for Sunday school, as well as, a church 4th of July event.

Almost any Patriotic craft can be transformed to religious. Simply write in a Christian sentiment on each craft with a permanent marker like: God Bless America!

Printable Freedom in Christ July 4th Bible Lesson and Craft

This Bible lesson includes 3 versions, one for young and older children.

The Bible memory verse reads:
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

Also this printable Christian July 4th Bible lesson includes: Freedom to Approach God, Be Forgiven, Be Happy and Thankful, Learn and Grow, Live with Jesus Forever, Rejoice Eternally, and so much more!

The printable Bible craft is a firework template and easy to make by simply using glue and tape.

In addition, the Bible Lesson includes an invitation to receive Jesus for kids.

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