Category Archives: Fall Crafts


Christian Thanksgiving Ideas

Celebrate the Harvest season by giving thanks to God for the wonderful bounty with Sunday school children and complete one or more of these Christian Thanksgiving ideas.

Also, children will enjoy learning about the first Thanksgiving in the featured cartoon about William Bradford (see below).

Most Sunday school class ages will enjoy the Christian Thanksgiving ideas like: all the harvest crafts and game ideas.

Digital Sunday School Thanksgiving Bible Crafts and Lesson

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Christian Halloween Gifts

These are fun Faith-filled Christian Halloween gifts, crafts, giveaways, and ideas for children ages 3 and up. The Christian Halloween gifts include  crafts, and rewards which are also useful for the Fall or during the Thanksgiving season.

Children of all ages will enjoy the cute Christian Halloween owl theme and so will Sunday school teachers, adults and parents.

It is so easy to incorporate the many types of owl crafts with the Jesus Loves You owl theme and use during a Sunday school or a Christian Halloween party.

Christian Halloween gifts offer a more kid-friendly message of light and will encourage children to learn about the love of Jesus during Halloween, October, and November!

Faith Pumpkin Prayer Activity Printable

This Christian activity includes the following: Prayer guide, pumpkin form, jack-o-lantern pieces, prayer mat, as well as, a tip sheet.


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Christian Halloween Ideas

If you are looking Christian Halloween ideas for Sunday school, a church event, or to give children who trick-or-treat your house. Share the faith this Halloween by using several of these religious Halloween ideas.

Be sure to share the light that Jesus offers children in a (sometimes) dark world and Halloween can seem pretty scary to small children.

Host a Faith-filled Halloween event at church which provides a safe environment. Share the faith this year by using some of these Christian Halloween ideas which  are alternatives to normal trick-or-treating.

Think of what your church can do to share the word of God by hosing a Christian Halloween party trick or treat event, or party, by having fun with to your neighbors, and community. A Halloween, Trick or Truth event, is a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel to children who attend the event.

Sunday School Halloween Bible Lesson Craft Bulletin Board Set Printable

This printable Pumpkin, and Candy Bible lesson set includes: a Bulletin Board set, decorations, treat tabs. lollipop tags, as well as, a craft.

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