Category Archives: Easter Sunday School Ideas

Sunday School Easter Psalm Sunday craft kits

Palm Sunday Crafts

The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday and this is when Jesus rode into the City of Jerusalem, on a donkey.

The people in the City of Jerusalem were so excited to see Jesus Christ and many used Palm branches to lay on the ground or held them up in the air as they shouted, Hosanna!

The people who followed Jesus knew He was the Messiah, the one chosen by God to build His church upon and save the people.

Little did any of the follower’s of Jesus realize how the Easter Bible story would unfold. They did not realize that Christ would be condemned to death and die on the Cross in just one week.

Easy Christian Easter Crafts for Kids

These Palm Sunday crafts will have everyone shouting, Hosanna!
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Sunday school Religious Easter storybook

Christian Easter Ideas

Jesus is Risen is just one example of Christian Easter ideas for a Church Bible class and Sunday school class.

This page has a variety of fun Christian Easter ideas for kids to celebrate and learn about the true Bible story of Easter.

Educate Sunday School children about the good news of Easter and that Jesus Christ is alive because of the miracle of the Resurrection.

For a fun Christian Easter party activity craft for kids, use  the Jesus is Alive activity bundle shown below.

Christian Easter Easter eggs will be a blessing for Sunday school teachers and parents.

These religious Easter items and ideas will help parents and teachers retell the Biblical story in a fun and engaging way.

In addition, find religious Easter cartoons and easy ideas to explain the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jumbo Religious Easter Story Book

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Sunday School Easter Prizes

These religious, Sunday school Easter prizes, eggs, giveaways, toys, and religious Easter novelty party favors, are terrific for a classroom, or any church Easter!

Sunday school Easter prizes shown here, focuses on the Biblical truth which is that Jesus lives and many of these novelty prizes, stationery, and toys are called “He Lives”.

Sunday school kids will love these Easter prizes which focus on the true  Biblical story of the Risen Christ.

Christian Easter prizes and giveaways come in wide selection of activities, coloring books, crayons, puzzles, toys, and so much more!

12 Plush Easter Lambs with a Religious T-Shirts

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Sunday School Easter Dorr decoring kit

Easter Activities for Church

Looking for Easter activities for church? From Christian Easter programs to religious Easter games, this page will give you some great ideas to do at your Church Easter egg hunt or a Sunday school party for kids.

The first Church Easter event, is similar to a Vacation Bible school program, only for the entire family! Use this Easter event for parents, children, neighbors, friends, and also families!

Walk With Jesus at Easter contains: the Director’s Guide, Media Pack with Sound-Effect CD’s, Video DVD, and a Publicity CD-ROM. In addition, the set has a variety samples to hand out.

The church group will travel together in the footsteps of Jesus, during His last week on earth.

Everyone will enter the City of Jerusalem during the first Palm Sunday. Also, visit with Christ and the Disciples during the Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, Good Friday, and also rejoice that the tomb is empty!

Church Easter Door Decorating Idea

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