Category Archives: Easter Ideas for Church

Jesus Christ Easter Beard wig set

Religious Easter Costumes for Kids

Chances are, Sunday school, and church children, will be participating in the church Easter program and you can find a large assortment of religious Easter costumes for kids below.

In addition, Christmas program costumes can be used for the angels, shepherds, and also the disciple costumes.

Also, a Biblical Mary costume can be used for an Easter and also a Christmas nativity program.

In addition, an Easter Joseph costume can also be used for a disciple costume and the Palm Sunday townspeople.

Also, find a wide section of Biblical, nativity costumes for children.

Find a large selection of Christian Easter costumes for children. Also, find a Easter Roman Soldier costume for the program on this page.

Jesus Wig with Beard

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Easter Holy Week Craft lesson activity kids

Holy Week Days

Prior to Easter, start to preparing Sunday school children by counting down the days of Holy Week. Holy Week charts are a wonderful visual teacher’s aide and the crafts will prepare the heart’s of children for Easter.

A set of 8 charts, perfect for teaching children about Holy Week. Posters include descriptions, history traditions and scriptures about Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Plan your Sunday school lessons well in advance of Easter, so you can use a whole month’s classroom time teaching what events took place before Easter and Holy Week. In addition, use Biblical lessons about Passover Bible lessons from the Old Testament, ( see the Passover page on this site).

Another idea is to follow the steps of Jesus prior to Palm Sunday, so they can grasp all the events leading up Jesus dying on the cross.

The Catholic faith places emphasis on the Stations of the Cross, but can be used by any religion.

Christian Easter Holy Week Box Craft Kit

This Easter craft kit has a variety of cardboard pieces that have Bible verse references to help tell the Bible story from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Children will enjoy this craft kit in  Sunday School class and change out the pieces to follow along with the Bible lessons about Holy Week.

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Printable Lent Catholic Holy Week Bingo Game cards

Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids

The Lent season differs around the world and Christian denominations and the following Lent Crafts and Ideas for Kids will help in lesson planning.

Generally, Lent is preparing your heart for the Easter by fasting and prayer and lasts for 40 days. In most Christian denominations, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday until Holy Week.

The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday and that week is Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and some celebrate Holy Saturday, followed by Easter Sunday. Each calendar year will be different.

Lent Bingo Ash Wednesday Holy Week Printable Game

This bingo game includes 30  game boards and  calling cards. The game images include: Almsgiving, ashes, Calvary, crown of thorns, desert, donkey, empty tomb, fasting, Last Supper, nails, palm branch, prayer, purple, silver coins, Stations of the Cross, as well as, washing feet.

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Digital Jelly Bean Gospel gift tag

Jelly Bean Prayer

The Jelly Bean prayer is a poem used for Easter to teach children the Bible story of Jesus Christ.

Each color of the popular Easter candy has a sentiment and shares the story about the love of Jesus Christ.

Like the candy cane message for Christmas, this Easter candy refers to each Jelly Bean color with a significant meaning!

Easter is a great time to include Jelly Bean Prayer crafts during Sunday school and Bible School.

The Religious prayer is an inspirational Sunday school idea for children during the Easter season! Children will love these faith-based Easter candy and ideas with a fun twist!

Printable Jelly Bean Gospel Tags

The prayer is as follows:
Red is for the blood He gave
Green is for the grass He made
Yellow is for the sun so bright
Orange is for the edge of night
Black is for the sins He made
White is for the grace He gave
Purple is for His hour of sorrow
Pink is for our new tomorrow.

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