Category Archives: Christian Toys

Vacation Bible School

It’s that time again to start thinking about Vacation Bible School! If you are the Director for your Children’s Ministry, you will be looking for the new Bible curriculum for VBS ideas for 2024. You may have already been to a meeting or received information regarding the VBS themes for this year, but 2023 ideas can also be used due to church closings.

I am so  excited to showcase this year’s new Vacation Bible School themes.

VBS is the most awesome adventure children can have in the Summer and learn all about God, Jesus Christ, as well as, the Bible!

In addition, Summer Bible camp is an easy way for children to meet new friends! Also, everyone will have fun learning about God! So, just how much more fun can you have while attending VBS!

Popular Vacation Bible School themes for 2024

    • Blaze a Trail
    • Breaker Rock Beach
    • Camp Firelight
    • Celebrate the Savior
    • From Vision to Reality
    • Great Jungle Journey
    • Mega Sports Camp
    • Seekers in Sneakers
    • Start the Party
    • Shine
    • WildLIVE

As always, the Children’s Ministry department will need extra help to make the VBS a wonderful event for the whole church.

Vacation Bible School Decorations

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Printable Jewish Passover Table decorations games bundle kids

Passover Ideas

When you discover the Passover celebration with your Sunday school children, study the Old Testament story and Moses and Exodus and make a connection with these Passover ideas for kids.

Remind children about the Old Testament Bible stories about Moses the 10 plagues set down from God, to the land of Egypt where His people were slaves.

Children might not be comfortable the last horrible plague where the first-born son in Egypt will be killed when the “angel of death” passes by.

But, remind children that God had a plan, and told Moses to have the Hebrew people put the blood of a lamb over their door and the angel of death would “pass over” their home.

Printable Passover Decorations and Activity Bundle

This bundle includes a variety of activities, games, as well as, decorative figures that will add a festive touch to the Jewish celebration, as well as, engage children learn about the Passover story.

The bundle includes: printable games such as coloring pages, puzzles, and riddles, as well as, decorative figures which represent important Passover symbols.

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Sunday school Religious Easter storybook

Christian Easter Ideas

Jesus is Risen is just one example of Christian Easter ideas for kids to use at home, church, and an East Egg hunt.

This page has a variety of fun Christian Easter ideas for kids to celebrate and learn about the true Bible story of  Easter.

Educate Sunday School children about the good news of Easter and that Jesus Christ is alive because of the miracle of the Resurrection.

For a fun Christian Easter party activity craft for kids, use the sticker scene setters for young  as they learn about how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

Christian Easter toys and religious Easter eggs will be a blessing for Sunday school teachers and parents, instead of using secular Easter prizes and toys.

These religious Easter items and ideas will help parents and teachers retell the Biblical story in a fun and engaging way.

In addition, find religious Easter cartoons and easy ideas to explain the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jumbo Religious Easter Story Book

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Sunday School Easter Prizes

These religious, Sunday school Easter prizes, eggs, giveaways, toys, and religious Easter novelty party favors, are terrific for a classroom, or any church Easter!

Sunday school Easter prizes shown here, focuses on the Biblical truth which is that Jesus lives and many of these novelty prizes, stationery, and toys are called “He Lives”.

Sunday school kids will love these Easter prizes which focus on the true  Biblical story of the Risen Christ.

Christian Easter prizes and giveaways come in wide selection of activities, coloring books, crayons, puzzles, toys, and so much more!

12 Plush Easter Lambs with a Religious T-Shirts

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