Category Archives: Christian Activity Books


Sunday School Easter Prizes

These religious, Sunday school Easter prizes, eggs, giveaways, toys, and religious Easter novelty party favors, are terrific for a classroom, or any church Easter!

Sunday school Easter prizes shown here, focuses on the Biblical truth which is that Jesus lives and many of these novelty prizes, stationery, and toys are called “He Lives”.

Sunday school kids will love these Easter prizes which focus on the true  Biblical story of the Risen Christ.

Christian Easter prizes and giveaways come in wide selection of activities, coloring books, crayons, puzzles, toys, and so much more!

12 Plush Easter Lambs with a Religious T-Shirts

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Printable Old Testament Bible Story Activities Crafts

Old Testament Crafts

Find Sunday School Old Testament crafts for your students to complete in class, while studying important Bible lessons, really makes the stories come alive.

Children will relate better to Old Testament Bible stories when a craft is used.

Dive into the Bible with children and create some of these Old Testament crafts like: David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, Elijah, Jonah and the Whale, Joseph and His Coat of many Colors, and more!

In addition, find Old Testament coloring page crafts in the printable Bible story activity and coloring books below.

Printable Old Testament Bible Story Crafts Download

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Sunday School Activity Books

Sunday school activity books are fun for both young and older children.

In addition, many of these activity books and pages are printable and an affordable option to a printed copy, since only one copy is need for the entire classroom!

These Sunday School activity books are great for a small church budget, and many are printable or can be reproduced.

Depending on the age of the Sunday school children, activity books with games are great for older children, while coloring pages are best for toddlers.

Most featured Bible activity books are reproducible and contain Bible lessons, as well as, activity pages, coloring pages, and games.

Christian Activity Books and Stationery for Kids

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Religious Christmas coloring book sticker book and activities

Christian Christmas Coloring Books

Keep Sunday school children busy during December with these Christian Christmas coloring books and activity books.

From Christian Christmas coloring books, to activity books, these resources will be so much fun!

Also, religious Christmas coloring books make a budget-friendly stocking stuffer and small gift.

Looking for a Christian Christmas coloring book to use for Sunday school or home today?

Almost all coloring books featured below have reproducible pages.

In addition, the featured Nativity activity books help teach the true Bible story!

Biblical Christmas Holiday Activity Books
This religious Holiday activity book has a variety of  coloring pages, games, and so much more!
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