Category Archives: Christian Activities for Kids


Sunday School Posters

Decorate Sunday school and church walls with these Sunday school posters and Christian poster crafts.

Bible story posters also add a an easy visual aid for children, as they really help bring the Bible lesson to life.

Many of the Sunday school posters were created for VBS, but also suitable for any Church classroom for kids.

Christian posters can be used in Sunday school rooms and Bible school walls. Each poster which will give children a visual idea behind the Bible story.

22 Bible Story Coloring Posters Printable

Digital Bible character poster set includes 22 posters.

They include: Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Birth of Moses,  Joseph and His Brothers, Life of Christ,  and so much more!

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Church Kids Praise and worship band cardboard props

Sunday School Worship Activities

Looking for some fun Sunday school worship activities, crafts, praise songs, as well as, Christian music for children?

These cool Sunday school praise songs, and music videos, to use for your children’s ministry or at home!

In addition, the Christian worship songs can be used Bible school, Sunday school, as well as, a birthday party at home.

The free Praise Party Children’s Ministry Worship Video by Yancy and can be found on YouTube to play during almost any church event for kids!

Praise Worship Stage and Instruments Props

Decorate any Church, Sunday School room, and venue with these Christian music worship band cardboard props which include: keyboard, drums, guitars and amps, as well as, a cool backdrop scene setter.

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Sunday School Crafts

Children will enjoy Bible lesson time even more with the following easy Sunday school crafts and activity ideas for kids.

When a Sunday school craft has a scripture quote, it will help reinforce the current Bible lesson.

In addition, each child will have a Bible craft  take home and serve as a  reminder of God’s love.

These Sunday school crafts can also be used for almost any holiday like: Christmas, Easter, and Vacation Bible School.

In addition, Sunday school teachers, can have children do crafts during class and gift someone special for almost any holiday.

These Christian Sunday school crafts also can be used for a time filling activity in between Bible classes.

Parables of Jesus 5 Bible Lessons Crafts Printable

Five crafts for Sunday school children include: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Sower and the Seed, Prodigal Son, and Wise and Foolish Builders.

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African American Christian coloring book pages

Christian Coloring Books

Since children love to color, use one, or more, of these Christian coloring books which will also teach a valuable Bible lessons!

Most of the Christian coloring books shown below contain important Bible stories, as well as, books about Biblical characters.

Also, Christian coloring books are a fun and interactive way to encourage Sunday school children to start memorizing and learning Bible verses.

In addition, Religious coloring books are a great way to introduce children to all the important Biblical characters.

Parents and adults, can also use a Christian coloring book as a bedtime Bible fun book, well as, a visual learning tool!

Keep children busy at home and use one, or more, of the  printable religious activity books below.

Black Christian Kids Coloring Pages Printable

50 African American coloring pages for boys and girls is perfect for Easter, Christmas, Sunday school, as well as, homeschool.

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