Category Archives: Bible Study Aids for Kids


Christian Valentines Day Ideas

These Christian Valentines Day ideas can be used for February Sunday school classes, as well as, at home.

Religious Valentine’s Day ideas for children include: Bible lessons, crafts, and so much more!

Find inspiring Christian Valentine’s Day ideas for Sunday school.

Throughout the Bible, God’s message is one of love. God commands that we love our neighbors, yourself, and love one another.

First of all, God wants us to accept Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross for us and showed the greatest act of love!

One of the teachings about love is from Jesus Christ and found in the 10 Commandments.

The Scripture is found in John 15:12 and reads:

My command is this:
Love each other as
I have loved you.

During February, plan Valentine’s Day messages and highlight messages of love. These Scripture quotes can be found throughout the Bible.

Printable Sermon Mount Love Bible Story Craft

This Bible craft is perfect for Valentine’s Day and focuses Bible Verses on Love.

The key Bible Verse reads:

For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

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Sunday School Activity Books

Sunday school activity books are fun for both young and older children.

In addition, many of these activity books and pages are printable and an affordable option to a printed copy, since only one copy is need for the entire classroom!

These Sunday School activity books are great for a small church budget, and many are printable or can be reproduced.

Depending on the age of the Sunday school children, activity books with games are great for older children, while coloring pages are best for toddlers.

Most featured Bible activity books are reproducible and contain Bible lessons, as well as, activity pages, coloring pages, and games.

Christian Activity Books and Stationery for Kids

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Teachings Jesus Christ Vine Branches craft activity printable

Bible Study Tools for Kids

These Bible study tools for kids, will provide children a fun and easy way to learn all about God and Jesus Christ.

Find a variety Bible study tools for children, can be used at Church, Sunday school, as well as, at home.

In addition one of these Bible study tools will help a child start to learn more about the Old and New Testament customs and times.

Bible study lessons and activities for children will also enhance the Family Bible reading time.

Jesus Vine and Branches Activity Printable
Printable Bible I am The Vine’ group craft activity about Jesus Christ. This Bible study tool is a printable craft with bookmarks, as well as, a puzzle page.

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Printable Nativity Activity Pack Toddlers

Christmas Activity Books

This holiday season give every child at church an affordable gift like one of these Christmas activity books!

In addition, consider gifting each church child a Christmas Bible activity which celebrates the   true meaning of the holiday season.

The whole family can enjoy these Christian Christmas activity books. The activities can be done both both adults and children.

Nativity Activities Little Kids Printable

This Nativity activity bundle for young children is so easy to use and contains 36 activities.

Each Christian activity is focused on the birth of Jesus Christ rather then secular Christmas characters.

Each child can help bring Mary and Joseph to the City of Bethlehem and learn where Baby Jesus was born.

In addition, children can complete the cut and paste Nativity scene, use dot to dot pages, and so much more!

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