Author Archives: Shelly

Ten Commandments printable worksheet kids

10 Commandments Craft

Looking for 10 Commandments craft ideas, as well as, Bible learning resources regarding the rules set by God and given to Moses?

Moses was one of the best-loved Old Testament leaders. Find the story of Moses and the 10 Commandments these 4 Bible books: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and also Deuteronomy.

Moses was born in Egypt, but this was an extremely difficult time since the Pharaoh ordered the death of all Hebrew sons.

So, the mother of Moses placed in him a basket and sent him down a river to hide. Then an Egyptian Princess, the daughter of Pharaoh, found baby Moses and took him in as her own.

Since the Hebrews were held as slaves in Egypt for 400 years, they were waiting for the Lord to give them freedom.

Printable 10 Commandments Activity Worksheet for Kids

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Sunday School Easter Dorr decoring kit

Easter Activities for Church

Looking for Easter activities for church? From Christian Easter programs to religious Easter games, this page will give you some great ideas to do at your Church Easter egg hunt or a Sunday school party for kids.

The first Church Easter event, is similar to a Vacation Bible school program, only for the entire family! Use this Easter event for parents, children, neighbors, friends, and also families!

Walk With Jesus at Easter contains: the Director’s Guide, Media Pack with Sound-Effect CD’s, Video DVD, and a Publicity CD-ROM. It also has samples of the following: Collector Cards Pack, Family Time Together Booklet, Praise for Jesus Palms, Dissolving Paper, and Metal Bracelet.

The church group will travel together in the footsteps of Jesus, during His last week on earth. Everyone will enter the City of Jerusalem during the first Palm Sunday. Also, visit with Christ and the Disciples during the Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, Good Friday, and also rejoice that the tomb is empty!

Church Easter Door Decorating Idea

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Christmas Sunday School Ideas

Planning a Christmas Sunday school party, or December Christmas Bible lesson time for children, will be so much fun when you include some crafts, activities, games, giveaways, and prizes! These themed Christmas Sunday school ideas are also great for a church party.

The newest Sunday school Christmas collection is called “Come to Bethlehem and See” which can be used for a Children’s Ministry Christmas party.

Sunday school teachers will appreciate having these themed Christian Christmas to use as activities, crafts, novelty prize items, and small gifts, for their youngest church members.

Each Christmas item can used for the entire month of December and the craft is package with instructions and unused crafts can be stored away for the following year.

Sunday School Christmas Games Activities Toys

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Saint Valentines Day Crafts Activities for kids

Sunday School Valentines Day Crafts

You know your Sunday school children are eager for a holiday, since the long break between Christmas and Valentines Day. This page offers Sunday school Valentines Day crafts and ideas.

Sunday school students can make Valentine decorations to hang in the church classroom during the month of February. The religious Valentine bear craft below is a fantastic place to start. You can also use construction paper you have in your Sunday school room and have children cut out heart shapes to decorate.

Be sure to plan a Sunday where your classroom exchanges Valentine’s Day cards, this is always fun for younger children. Also, children can make Valentine cards the week in advance and have them ready to hand out the following week. If you are planning a church Valentine’s Day party, be sure to have some religious crafts for the kids to complete.

Below are a large selection of inspirational craft ideas for Sunday School, as well as, any religious Valentine’s Day party.

St. Valentine Coloring and Learning Book Printable

The Story of Saint Valentine activity set is for Catholic children and classrooms to more to learn all about the Day of Feast which is February 14!

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