Author Archives: Shelly

Sunday School Noahs ark crafts

Noahs Ark Crafts and Ideas for Kids

Children will love the Noahs Ark crafts and ideas for kids showcased below. The Old Testament story is found in the book of Genesis.

Noah’s Ark is a fascination Bible story for children, since the chapter includes so many animals on the earth.

The flooding of the earth may be a difficult concept for young children to understand. They may wonder why God allowed on the people to die who would not board the Ark with Noah and his family.

But, children will understand the Bible story when adding  a Bible craft and  appropriate Sunday school teaching tools.

Noah’s Ark is so easy to teach in Sunday school and teachers can use so many visual aids to bring the Bible story to life by using: stuffed animals, the rainbow symbol, toys, also crafts!

Noah Bible Story Craft Supplies

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Christmas Christian Cartoons

Share the true Christmas story with your children by having them watch Christian Christmas cartoons that will hold their interest!

Most of the popular Christmas cartoons are about Santa Claus, Rudolph, and Snowmen, which is fine for children to view.

But, these Christmas cartoons do not reflect the Christian faith and water down the holiday season to secular messages.

Animated  Birth of Jesus DVD

Christmas cartoon is from the Bible, Superbook, series. This religious Christmas cartoon takes a step back in time to witness birth of Jesus and visit the nativity scene.

Find even more Christian Christmas cartoons on YouTube through the links below!

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10 Animated Christian cartoons DVD

Christian Cartoons for Kids

Some of my favorite Christian cartoons are the Ten Commandments animated movies which help bring the Bible stories to life.

Christian cartoons for kids are great for Sunday school, but they are also great for home viewing.

Below is a large selection of Christian cartoons. Also, visit Netflix and cable TV for more cartoons.

This page has a small sample religious cartoons, and animated films for kids.

A Christian cartoon is fun to watch and also teach children important Bible lessons from both the New and Old Testament!

The Christian cartoons will have many Seasonal videos to show during Sunday school, or a home, and there are many free Christian cartoons to view I found from YouTube and most of them are full-length.

10 Bible Story Cartoons DVD

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Religious Christmas coloring book sticker book and activities

Christian Christmas Coloring Books

Keep Sunday school children busy during December with these Christian Christmas coloring books and activity books.

From Christian Christmas coloring books, to activity books, these resources will be so much fun!

Also, religious Christmas coloring books make a budget-friendly stocking stuffer and small gift.

Looking for a Christian Christmas coloring book to use for Sunday school or home today?

Almost all coloring books featured below have reproducible pages.

In addition, the featured Nativity activity books help teach the true Bible story!

Biblical Christmas Holiday Activity Books
This religious Holiday activity book has a variety of  coloring pages, games, and so much more!
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